
On Conscience: Two Essays is unavailable, but you can change that!

Prepared and co-published by the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia, this book is a combination of two lengthy essays written by Cardinal Ratzinger and delivered in talks when he was head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Both talks deal with the importance of conscience and its exercise in particular circumstances. Ratzinger’s reflections show that contemporary...

For him, conscience stands on the side of subjectivity and is the expression of the freedom of the subject. Authority, on the other hand, appears to him as the constraint on, threat to, and even negation of freedom. So, then, we must go deeper to recover a vision in which this kind of opposition does not obtain. For Newman, the middle term—which establishes the connection between authority and subjectivity—is truth. I do not hesitate to say that truth is the central thought of Newman’s intellectual
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